We Believe . . .
1) In the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution as they 

were originally intended by our founding Fathers.
2) That the U.S. Constitution must be protected from any form of dismantling or razing.
3) Tyranny over the People is prevented when the Constitutional checks &
balances are maintained.
4) That socialism and communism are in direct conflict with the U.S.
Constitution and its established precepts to protect individual liberty and freedom.
5) That the intentional anti-American indoctrinations and misrepresentations of our rich American History must cease.
6) Our National Sovereignty is precious and necessary, therefore, our borders
must be recognized and protected.
7) In making English the official language of the United States.
8) Government must be downsized.
9) Deficit spending must cease.
10) A balanced budget must be demanded and expected.
11) The reduction of Income and business taxes is imperative.
12) A strong military is essential for the victory of freedom and individual liberty to continue.
13) Traditional Family values are the building block of any great nation and 
therefore, they must be encouraged and promoted.
14) Domestic employment, free markets and private property rights are
15) That our nation was founded solidly on and rooted in Judeo-Christian
values and principles; securing freedom of religion, valuing the sanctity of life, liberty and justice for ALL!